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Diajeng Findusia A.A
Universitas Negeri Semarang
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The Bomb Terror
There was a bomb exploded inthe mosque Cirebon's Polres. The bomb was exploded when "friday praying" was about to begin. M. Syarif was suspected as the exploder. He thought that the moslems out of his organization are kafir. Therefore, he decided to kill them. He wore five pairs of trousers to hide the bomb.
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Justin Bieber "my world tour" Indonesia
Justin Bieber is a young famous singer. He have a lot of fans in the world, including Indonesia. For the first time he came here and held the music concert. Justin Bieber's Concert took a place on April 23th 2011 in Sentul International Convention Center, West Java, Indonesia.
The concert held fantastically, with more than ten thousand viewers. It began at 07.00 pm until 08.30 pm. It's duration was one hour and a half. He sang 13 songs that night. Even though the concert held succesfully and many viewers feel satisfied because of his performence, but many people feel dissatisfied too because they couldn't buy the extraordinary expensive ticket concert and they can't meet their idol.