Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

sbw task4 smangat..!!

Television is common thing in our life. Television serves many kind of programs, but not all the programs are good for us, especially for children.  In education there are many advantages and disadvantages of using television in teaching and learning activities . Television can be good model for children,  recreated  the past events through film, drama, etc,  and give more knowledge to teachers in teaching, and so the teachers can improve their way in teaching. Even though television has  many advantages, but it also has disadvantages too. Television just can serve one side communication, makes the students become passive, and television can not reach big class , and so makes the students difficult  to see the images clearly.  Using television in teaching and learning activities or not is depends on materials which will be taught.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

SBW task 3

 My Exboyfriend
The tall guy who wore a black jacket was my boyfriend. He is the first guy who made me to answer "yes" 8 years ago.I love him just the way he is. We always try to share our problem to each other then solve it together, so we can keep our relationship nearly 5 years. But not in this case, when I got a scholarship to another country. I tried to make him understand but I failed. He decided to end our relationship. He made me feel very sad and disappointed at that time. Until now, I still save all things which was given by him. I still remember how he said love to me which made me nervous, scared and happy at the same time. I stiil remember his amazing smile whice made me never  feel bore to keep my eye on him. And I still very love him.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

sentences based writing task 2

My Beloved Mother
I am a daughter of  a 47 years-old beautiful woman. She works as a teacher in Purwodadi State Junior High School 3. My mother teachs Indonesian for the 9 grade. She is an activist of scout in the same junior high school and in our regency too. She is member of andalan cabang in Grobogan Regency. Now she is preparing her delegates to follow Jambore Nasional 2011 in Palembang next 2 months. She is very busy everyday and always comes home late, but she never forgets to take care of her children. She still very loves us and we very love her too. She has been working hard to support us, especially after my father died. There are no words that can express my gratitude to her. I just can say, thank you for all that you have done for us, since we were in the womb until now. We will try to pay back your love and make you proud of us. We always love you so much.

sentences based writing task

I am an Indonesian student. I study at Harapan Ibu Senior High School near the government's building in my town. My school is about 7 km from my house. I always go to school by bus and seat near the window is my favorite one. I have a smart friend. She has a long name. Her name is Angelica Putri Mahesa Brilian Subandono. When we are in the class, she always sit in the chair next to me. We have same hobby. Our hobbies are reading comic from Japan and traveling to another city. We had planned that we will visit Bromo mountain together next holiday. I hope that we will have a fun traveling in there. 

Minggu, 24 April 2011

SBW hip-hip yeeee

Blog ini saya buat untuk memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah Sentence Based Writing

disusun oleh:
Diajeng Findusia A.A

Universitas Negeri Semarang

Paragraph 1

The Bomb Terror

There was a bomb exploded inthe mosque Cirebon's Polres. The bomb was exploded when "friday praying" was about to begin. M. Syarif  was suspected as the exploder. He thought that the moslems out of his organization are kafir. Therefore, he decided to kill them. He wore five pairs of trousers to hide the bomb.

Paragraph 2

Justin Bieber "my world tour" Indonesia
Justin Bieber is a young famous singer. He have a lot of fans in the world, including Indonesia. For the first time he came here and held the music concert. Justin Bieber's Concert took a place on April 23th 2011 in Sentul International Convention Center, West Java, Indonesia.
The concert held fantastically, with more than ten thousand viewers. It began at 07.00 pm until 08.30 pm. It's duration was one hour and a half. He sang 13 songs that night. Even though the concert held succesfully and many viewers feel satisfied because of his performence, but many people feel dissatisfied too because they couldn't buy the extraordinary expensive ticket concert and they can't meet their idol.