Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Procedure: I know the way to make it

Level: junior high school, 9th graders
Objective: in the end of the lesson students are able to write a procedure text.

Hello..Students, how are you all?
Hope you all are good…
Through this page we are going to learn about something which I believe, it will be interesting for us.
Here I have some pictures, please take a look for them.

They’re nice right?
Anyone knows how to make them?
I believe some of you have known how to make them. However, for you who haven’t, I’ll show you how to make one of them, that is “paper frog puppet”. 

Please read the following text.

Let me tell you how to make a paper frog puppet. First of all, you need a piece of green paper, a small strip of red construction paper, glue, scissors, and markers or crayons.
Now, let’s start making it. First, fold a piece of green paper in thirds. It will form a long rectangle. Then, fold the long rectangle into fourths, making a “W” shape. You know, this “W” shape will be the frog. Next, draw eyes on the frog. After that, cut out a long tongue from red paper and glue the end of it in the frog’s mouth. At last, put your thumb in the frog’s lower jaw, and put your other fingers in the upper. You now have a frog puppet that has very big mouth.

Text above is an example of procedure text in spoken form. Other form of procedure text is written. A procedure is a text to describe how something is done through a sequence of actions or steps. The structure of the text consist of aim/ goal (or title), ingredients/materials (optional), steps or directions.

Here, I have also the video of procedure in making fried rice. it is also an example of procedure text in spoken form.
Please watch it. 

And then, below are examples of procedure text in written form.

The language features of a procedure are as follows.
* Use action verb, such as: fold, cut, draw, put.
* Use linking words and phrases expressing sequence, such as: then, next, after that.
* Use imperative sentence, the sentences that gives a command, direction, or request. An imperative sentence typically begins with the base form of a verb, such as: draw eyes on the frog, put your thumb. 
 *Use adverbials to show when or how, such as: into fourths, in the frog mouth.


     That was the short explanation about procedure text. Let’s continue our study.
     Here I have some exercises.
    The exercise has purpose introduce you the language features of the text and give you a deeper knowledge in writing a procedure text.
    To begin the first exercises, please click here.

Have you all tried the first exercise? How about your score? Well done for you who got good score and for who didn’t, that was for your motivation to be better.
Next is second exercises, here I have example of the procedure text of making a glass of Milo. What you have to do is that arrange the steps/instructions correctly.
Here is the picture of a glass of Milo.

To begin the second exercise, click here.

Okay then, move to the third exercise. This exercise is about making the “Rock Painting”. You should arrange the words in every sentence correctly.

(rock painting)
Sentence 1, please click here.
Sentence 2, please click here.
Sentence 3, please click here.
Sentence 4, please click here.
Sentence 5, please click here.

Well done! I believe all of you did a good job.
The last exercise is about punctuation which also important in your writing. The exercise is example of making “Chinese Lantern”.

 You just simply choose the correct sentences.
Exercise 4, please click here.

Several exercises have been done by all of you. Now, it’s time to check your understanding about this lesson.

Please all of you make a procedure text. You may choose your own topic, procedure text is not only about making a certain crafts but also making a food, drink, experiments, etc. It is up to you. Think about the structure, language features, and also punctuation. Don’t forget to write down your name, class and students’ number. Send your paragraph to my email,, before June 4th 2013.
Thank you for your participation.

Diajeng Findusia

4 komentar:

  1. Well, I think that your post is quite good. I like the way you present the material, here I list some strengths and weaknesses of your blog.
    1. The language style used is very friendly and it works well as a learning guidance.
    2. The examples provided are appropriate for the students’ level and thanks you used more than one example so that students can draw a better conclusion what a procedure text looks like.
    3. The steps used in the learning process are hierarchy.
    I found some parts that I think it will be better for you to improve, and they are mostly in the exercises part.
    1. Please simplify the language used in your second exercise, they are too long.
    2. I think you need to make the arrangement of the exercises like the way you present the materials, be hierarchy. You can rearrange the exercises: punctuation exercise at first, arranging words at second, and complete a procedure text for the last.
    3. I guessed there is a mistyping in the way you wrote email address, it should be gmail, shouldn’t it?
    After all, I like your post. I hope it will work effectively for your students. :D

    1. The language used is very attractive, so that students get excited when opening this blog.
    2. The material presented is also interesting and easy to understand.
    3. Provides some pictures that may assist in delivering material.

    1. In the first exercise I think it will be more helpful for students in guessing missing words if you also provide the picture related.
    2. Please check back to the second exercise, I found there is a little trouble there.
    3. in the sentence "... that was for you motivation to be better", I think it should be ".... that was for your motivation to be better"

    over all, your blog is very interesting! Two thumbs up :D

    1. the language is easy to be understood even for beginner learners.
    2. the explanation is clear enough.
    3. the blog is a simple one so someone does not need to wait in a long time to open it.

    1. there is no example of a 'real spoken' procedure.

    1. you could add a video of making something as the example of a 'real spoken' procedure.

  4. Strength
    1.The pictures and the language are very attractive.
    2. The explanation is clear enough.

    Weakness and suggestion
    1. The example of the procedure text is too many. You may ask the students to find out the other examples by themselves.
    2. I think you don't need to give the procedure text in spoken form.Written form is enough, since the objective is the students are able to write a procedure text.
    3. There are many exercises, but you don't insert to your blog. It's better to make it available in your blog than go to the other links.
    Good job! Keep working and blogging. :)
